I have noticed we get an extremely high number of ffmpeg questions on this site. I'm wondering if this is the best place for them. My initial thought had been that ffmpeg works with video, so why not. Certainly there are basic encoding (and even some advanced encoding) related questions that may be truly relevant to video production, but then we also end up with questions like this one:
Melt transitions from command line
They aren't worried about how to transcode with ffmpeg, but are actually trying to do advanced scripting with ffmpeg to use it as a poor mans video editor.
I would hazard that NOBODY in actual video production works this way. It isn't an effective use of time and there are far more easy to use free tools (even open source) that allow for editing in a meaningful and effective way.
While I generally appreciate the appeal of command line tools over their GUI counterparts for things like system utilities, the fact is this doesn't map over well to an inherently visual medium like video production. You can't preview, you can't see what you are working with, you can't easily identify what each cut is involved with. It simply is not an effective means of production.
The only situation in which these kinds of cases is really relevant is someone trying to do some basic splicing (more consumer/non-production) or trying to build a scripting environment (software development). In both of these cases, I feel like these questions end up being noise that is irrelevant to the target audience of the site and don't add any value here.
They seem to lead to an incorrect understanding of what the site is about and scare off less technical users who may see this as a video handling oriented SO rather than a broader film and video production oriented site.
I'm not sure how we set the bar for what questions are and aren't on topic since we certainly want to support being able to use ffmpeg as a transcoder, but it seems like we need to draw the line somewhere to avoid being overwhelmed by "how do I use ffmpeg as my editing platform" type questions.