Personally, I'd be more inclined to close as duplicate. The purpose of the question is answerable and the answer is still beneficial. The asker has no clue how complicated it actually is, nor what techniques are used. Letting them know what direction to look in as well as the difficulty of the task they are attempting to take on is useful information for them.
If they were asking how to do it, that would be too broad as it is far beyond the scope of what we can describe in an answer here, but asking what kind of software is used is fully answerable. I see no harm in pointing them in the right direction and explaining the likely futility.
I do see a problem with taking on every single such question with the same basic answer as a different question. We should certainly make an effort to close these as duplicates as much as possible. Perhaps trying to write up a generalized case of some of these types of questions might be useful or trying to generalize the questions people ask if we don't already have a similar one we can direct them to.